The Right solution for any application.
For any individual need in the market, Schindler provides an appropriate elevator solution.Starting with low-rise requirements focusing on basic transport needs at affordable prices, onto the mid-rise applications for the residential and the commercial market segments and finally on to the high requirements and high-rise section, Schindler elevators fulfill international requirements and regulations.
Schindler 2000
Schindler has the right solution for any application.
For any individual need in the market, Schindler provides an appropriate solution. Not only for passenger elevators, but also for freight and special elevators
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Schindler 3300
A Perfect solution for Mid rise residential and commercial buildings
The Schindler 3300 elevator makes your building look exceptional.
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Contact Details
For more information please contact:
+263 4 621 961-3 / 664 461-2 / 667 505
E-mail. info@schindwe.com